A Visual Guide to Cocktail Glasses Letterpress Print
What Makes a Martini a Martini?
Is it the spirit? With a Martini, the spirit can be vodka, gin, or both depending on your mood. Is it the garnish? The vermouth? No, friend ... What makes a Martini is the glass. The right glass can make or break a cocktail, and in some cases, define it, as with aforementioned Martini. Choose wisely.
A Visual Guide to Cocktail Glasses is an easily-frameable 11 x 17 inch (28 x 73 cm) guide to seven classic cocktail glasses, distilled into a simple, attractive print that's perfect for hanging in your home bar or kitchen.
It's décor for the discriminating drinker and suits nearly any style. It makes a perfect pairing with my cocktail-tasting and -creating notebook, 33 Cocktails.
Choose Your Color
It's the classic designer's dilemma - so many colors, so little time. And when the designer is also the printer ... well, let's keep the accountant away from this project! On press, I decided to try this print in a vibrant fluorescent red and silver color way alongside my original, more subtle, silver on silver design. The winner in this is clearly you, dear consumer. Make your choice between the vibrant fluorescent red and silver print, or the more classy and subtle silver on silver print. Both will look great on your wall.
Fresh-Pressed in Portland

This open-edition print was printed by hand, with love, on a gluten-powered 1909 Chandler & Price letterpress using mostly soy-based inks.
American-made French Paper
The poster is printed on 100% recycled (100% PCW), chlorine-free French brand paper, made in Niles, Michigan. If you're as big a paper nerd as you are a cocktail nerd, you'll want to know that it's 100# Kraft-Tone in Standard White Cover Stock.
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