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33 Cheeses: High-Altitude Limited Edition


33 Cheeses is pocket-sized, perfect for cheese festivals.

Designed for Mountains of Cheese

I love cheese. Fresh, aged, and everything in between. But I hold a special place in my heart for alpine-style cheeses: Gruyère, Comté, and the almost-as-much-fun-to-say-as-it-is-to-eat Challerhocker. With that in mind, I made a short run of alpine-inspired covers for my popular pocket cheese journal, inspired by an award-winning Colorado cheese produced with milk from Alpine goats.

I’m calling it the “High Altitude” edition.

250 hand-numbered sets are available, and each set includes:

  • Three "whiteout" design books printed with white and silver metallic ink
  • A retro-style white click pen (writes with black ink)
  • A bespoke white rubber band
  • A unique “mountains of cheese” laser-cut acrylic charm, and
  • A handful of 100% authentic fake snow.

This special edition of 33 Cheeses is the same easy-to-use pocket cheese journal you know and love, printed in a unique limited run.

Sadly, Supplies are Limited ...

I only produced 250 sets, and I won't produce them again. The milk (and cheese) from this dairy won't be available after December 2017. Avalanche Cheese, the source of the Alpine goat milk used in the ink in this edition, will cease operations at the end of the year. 

The economics of cheese are tough, and Avalanche is not the only award-winning dairy to close this year. In that spirit, 10% of all sales of this set will be donated to the American Cheese Education Foundation.

Designed for Speed

A flavor wheel inside lets you note a cheese's unique flavor in a quick, visual way.As with my standard edition, the flavor wheel inside 33 Cheeses can be used to quickly recall a cheese’s unique flavor long after consumption. For low values of the flavor, fill in dots near the wheel’s center.

Secret Ingredient

A teeny, tiny amount of Alpine Goat Milk has been added to the ink in this edition, cryptically noted on the back.


33 Cheeses is made with 100% recycled papers sourced in the Pacific Northwest. Interior pages are 100% post-consumer recycled content and covers are 85% post-consumer recycled content and 15% recycled content. The booklets are printed using US-grown soy-based inks in sunny Portland, Oregon.

Printed on recycled paper in Portland, Oregon with soy inks.

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